Programs and services


LEAN PROGRAM: it is developed under the premise of achieving optimal results in carcass quality and adequate backfat measurements according to the genetics and final weight of the animals.

ENTEROHEPATIC PROGRAM: the intestinal function of pigs is an ally when facing sanitary and productive challenges of production systems. Therefore, we present our program, which, founded on different approaches based on green intervention, diagnostic tools, and digestive and related organs inspection, positively impacts the profitability of producers.

BIO-PORK: it is proposed as a pharmacological, diagnostic, and pulmonary inspection strategy in slaughterhouses to deal with respiratory conditions in pigs while promoting animal welfare to achieve profitable zootechnical results for the producer.

+PIGLETS: covers a series of strategies that contribute to the productive indicators, based on additives and practices focused on reaching the maximum genetic expression, from fertilization to nursery, increasing the productivity indicators of the sow.


RESPIRATORY HEALTH PROGRAM: integrates different strategies to improve productivity by controlling complicated chronic respiratory disease.

INTESTINAL HEALTH PROGRAM: through pharmacological strategies, management, training, and diagnostic tools, the aim is to control gastrointestinal disease to improve technical-economic results.

EGG QUALITY PROGRAM: a set of actions focused on improving the hepatic reproductive health of the hen, to impact the productivity and egg quality-related variables.

Additional Services:

TECHNICAL SUPPORT: it refers to the advice of our specialists in specific areas such as nutrition, management, and veterinary diagnosis in swine or poultry productions in a given process. This type of support can be of great help to those who need guidance in making decisions or implementing new strategies.

TECHNICAL TRAINING: aims to improve the skills and competencies of professionals and farm workers, to improve the efficiency of daily production actions, and keep employees updated in their work areas. Some of the topics to be discussed are:

DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES: a variety of tests is made available in order to obtain more precise and detailed information on the health situation of the production facilities, both in the swine and poultry industry; this, in turn, help to design a more effective treatment plan and to monitor the effectiveness of that treatment over time.